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The United States has a long reputation as being a welcoming beacon of hope for refugees from around the world. Where does that reputation stand now? What is the situation in Baltimore and Maryland in helping refugees resettle in our communities? What are the challenges facing the our nation, and what can be done? Join us for a lively discussion of America’s refugee crisis.

The Herbert H. And Irma B. Risch Memorial Program on Immigration returns on Sunday, December 5th at 3 PM. This year’s panel will feature Mark Hetfield, President and CEO, HIAS; Ruben Chandrasekar, Executive Director, The International Rescue Committee Baltimore and Silver Spring; and Asinate Vitusagavulu, Director, Maryland Refugee & Immigrant Services for Lutheran Social Services, North Capital Area. This program will be presented in-person, and live streaming on YouTube and Facebook.

Click here to register for in-person or online.



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