Maryland: The newly established Maryland Economy Council will be the command center for analyzing and recommending economic policies to drive growth, diversify the workforce, and unite the state’s assets and burgeoning industries under the Moore-Miller Administration. What infrastructure will be needed to grow Maryland’s workforce and seek out new investments?
Israel: The Taub Center for Social Policy Studies in Israel is one of Israel’s leading think tanks conducting research on the core socio-economic issues facing Israeli society. The focus of this apolitical presentation will be Israel’s new budget and implications, Israel’s demographics impacting the workforce and more.
Featuring: Kevin A. Anderson, Secretary, Maryland Department of Commerce; Professor Avi Weiss, President, Taub Center for Social Policy Studies and Professor of Economics, Bar Ilan University; Nir Kaidar, Director General, Taub Center for Social Policy Studies; and Alvin Katz, Moderator, Founder and Partner, KatzAbosch and immediate past Chair of the Board, Maryland/Israel Development Center.