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WINTER TEACHERS INSTITUTE 2023: Teaching The U.S. and the Holocaust Documentary is a virtual professional development workshop for teachers and education professionals hosted by the Baltimore Jewish Council and the Jewish Museum of Maryland. This year’s program is centered on The U.S. and the Holocaust, a film by Ken Burns, Lynn Novick, and Sarah Botstein. During this workshop, participants will reflect on the knowledge, fears, and choices of the United States government during the Holocaust, engage in meaningful conversations around responsible pedagogical approaches, and learn about classroom-ready resources. Over the course of this virtual, four-week workshop, participants will watch the three-part documentary series, contribute to our digital discussion boards, and engage in four synchronous learning sessions. While materials provided at the Winter Teachers Institute are best suited for middle and high school Social Studies and English Language Arts classrooms, our team welcomes all teachers and education professionals who wish to participate in the program.


The Winter Teachers Institute will take place on the following dates:

January 17th, 24th, 31st, and February 7th 5:30-7:00 PM, on Zoom.


Registration is first come, first served, and after the maximum number of participants have enrolled, an option to join a wait list will be available. There is no registration fee for this program, and access to the documentary is provided with registration.

Register Here

Questions? Please contact Lily Herman, Education Program Coordinator at lcherman@jewishmuseummd.org.

This program is possible due to the generous support of Judy and Jerry Macks and the Philip Levenson Endowment Fund for Holocaust Programming.

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